Spinal Decompression Therapy
Back On Trac Spinal decompression therapy is one of the most important treatment protocols out there to reduce or eliminate lower back pain by taking pressure off the neural elements of the spine. At Healthmax we have the technology for decompression with ErgoFlex’s Back on Trac.
Time and time again on initial consults with our patients we review our X-ray and see compression of the spine and loss of the disc space. Your spine’s purpose is to provide support for your body. The spine is made up of vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar), ligaments and disc in between each of the vertebrae to keep it flexible. Your nervous system consist of the spinal cord which travels from the brain down your spine and nerves exit the spine to EVERY part of your body
When someone injuries their spine or if there is degeneration to your spine it can cause pain. Some people report feeling compressed or squished. Others feel pinched nerve type pain due to the pressure being put on the spinal nerves.
Spinal decompression along with the chiropractic adjustment actually takes pressure off the disc, off the nerves which decreases pressure and decreases pain.
Conditions we see at Healthmax Chiropractic and are treating with our Back on Trac decompression are:
• Pinch nerve – compression causing pain, numbness, tingling
• Degenerative disc – wear/tear
• Bulging disc – the disc or cushion between the vertebrae bulges out
• Herniated disc – part of that disc pops out and pinches the nerve
• Sciatica – irritation to sciatic nerve
• Spinal stenosis – narrowing of the central canal where the cord is located
Spinal decompression has shown to help those in acute pain but also those who suffer from chronic reoccurring lower back pain.
Chiropractic adjustments align the spine and relieve the nervous system from interference. Adding in spinal decompression and therapeutic exercises is how we at Healthmax Chiropractic of Hudson are helping reduce pain.
Posted: 4/20/2022 by Dr. Jamie Cortese