Chiropractic Care For Motor Vehicle Accidents
Immediately following a motor vehicle accident you will want to receive a thorough physical evaluation. This will be important information to have available for insurance purposes as well as to begin recovery. Not all vehicle accidents result in significant injury, but anytime there has been an abrupt stop there could be hidden damage. Whiplash is a common occurrence when someone is struck from behind in a motor vehicle accident. Damage to soft tissue in the ligaments of the neck is extremely common and would not show up in an x-ray.You don’t have to be driving at high speeds in order for whiplash to occur. It has been reported that whiplash injuries can occur at speeds as low as 5 mph. Unfortunately, the effects of whiplash are often minimized. The person who is affected is often thought to be exaggerating. Insurance companies invest a considerable amount of time ensuring the legitimacy of claims following a motor vehicle accident. Many times adjusters focus their attention on the extent of damage done to the vehicle when making their decisions. HealthMax Chiro will assist by providing accurate documentation regarding the extent of damage done to you to help you avoid unnecessary hassle.
HealthMax Chiro is vested in restoring your body following a sudden trauma. We want to minimize the interruption to your daily life by providing sensitive and timely chiropractic care. Our desire is to have you feeling well again.
Contact HealthMax Chiro at 715-808-0445 to schedule a comprehensive assessment of your needs following a Motor Vehicle Accident.