Headache & Migraine Treatment
Headaches are one of the most popular things that a chiropractor can address. It is helpful to understand the biology of a headache in order to understand the treatment process. In most instances there is pressure that develops in the upper cervical spine. Although it can manifest in the lower cervical area too. When there is pressure in the upper cervical spine it interferes with the nerve impulses that cross through the brain stem at the upper part of the spine. The nerve impulses get stressed. Once the nerve impulses get stressed they start to fire distorted nerve impulses. Simply put, a headache results when the nervous system isn’t functioning properly. That is a symptom of the over-stimulation of the nervous system. Over-stimulation also effects cognition by creating cloudy thinking. This can be quite debilitating. Symptoms even include sensitivity to light. Exposure to different stimuli throughout the day will affect people differently.
Relieving headaches is a top priority to us at HealthMax Chiropractic. Thankfully, it is one of the easiest tensions to correct and see results through chiropractic care. Adjustments are extremely effective. The upper cervical spine is one of the most important parts of the spine to examine and make sure that everything is balanced. We will ensure there is no pressure on the upper cervical spine because that’s where all the nerve impulses are traveling from the brain to the body and back.
Migraines and Cluster Headaches
People frequently ask questions regarding what type of headaches chiropractors can treat. People with really bad headaches are often told by their primary physicians that they are experiencing migraines. In reality, what they are experiencing is not a migraine. In most cases, headaches are stemming from muscular skeletal tension in the upper cervical spine. This tension can be severe and debilitating, but is not a migraine. More commonly, these debilitating headaches are called cluster headaches. The difference is that a true migraine is more chemically based (called hemisyphelgic- which means half of the head) and is preceded by some type of an aura, twinkly lights, sensory changes with taste, or even smell. Headaches are classified as ranging from severe, to average, to low grade. The majority of severe headaches fall into the cluster headache group. Chiropractic care can effectively and efficiently eradicate tension at the true source and get you back to enjoying life.
For effective headache relief contact HealthMax Chiropractic at 715-808-0445. We strive to provide the best chiropractic care in Western Wisconsin and Eastern Minnesota.